SPIRIT GUIDE Meditation ๐Ÿ™ Crystal Guided Meditation for Strengthening Your Connection to Your Guides

I can’t seems to free myself from all these cravings.

Welcome to this Spirit Guide Meditation! This is a Crystal Guided Meditation that will help initiate or strengthen your connection with your personal guardians. This Guardian Connection meditation is designed to aid you in forming a stronger relationship with your Spirit Guides. This could be contact with any presence that you feel guides and protects you: Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, the Universe, or any special deity that you feel drawn to. Sometimes we feel alone and want to know that we are supported by something wise and compassionate. This is perfect for reaching out to make that initial contact with your guides, or for strengthening your connection if you feel it has faded. It is extremely helpful if you journal and look for signs and messages in your daily life after you do this meditation. Whenever youโ€™d like to awaken your relationship to your Guides, or ask for their assistance, sit with this Spirit Guide meditation.

Crystals Helpful for this Meditation (gemstone not required!)

Angelite, Fluorite, Scolecite, Petalite – Other useful stone for connecting with Spirit and Angel guides are: Celestite, Seraphinite, Trolleite, K2 Stone

Previous Crystal Guided Meditations:

Learn About Crystal Wisdom!

โ How do I learn to do Crystal Wisdom? I believe there are 3 key components to effective Gemstone Wisdom: Knowledge, Tools & Practice.  Between my Crystal Wisdom Store and YouTube channel – I hope to provide you with all 3 Components.

Knowledge: Improve Your Life With…. Weekly Seriesโ  (every Wednesday)

Tools: Jewelry and Reiki-Tumbled Gemstones in the Crystal Wisdom Store!

โ Practice: Gemstone specific Guided Meditationsโ  (every Friday)

All of this – Every Week!  If you’re interested in joining me for these weekly Gemstone explorations – please Subscribe to the YouTube channel.  Thank you!โ 

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  1. Thank you for such a beautiful meditation. I am working with this one as well as Receiving Guidance as they seem to strengthen each other. I used Fluorite and Celestite. I plan to focus on these meditations to strengthen and journal. I’m so glad I found you Shannon. Very excited about your upcoming book!! Thank you for writing it!!


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