STRAWBERRY QUARTZ Meditation for Practical Crystal Wisdom

Strawberry Quartz – (Heart Chakra) – (Zodiac Sign of Aries)

Join in for a regular Weekly Gemstone Guided Meditation! This week I take you through a Strawberry Quartz Meditation. This is a chance to sit with a Strawberry Quartz gemstone and experience how it affects you. No gemstone is required – you can still sit with this meditation to determine if the qualities and energy of Strawberry Quartz, the Stone of Pure Joy, are something you’d like to explore further.⁠

Is a Strawberry Quartz Meditation right for me?

First, start with the video – “Top 4 Crystal Wisdom Benefits of Strawberry Quartz!

Also, Strawberry Quartz is extremely supportive for the following situations:

  • Are you feeling down or depressed lately?
  • Are you taking time to experience and appreciate those things in life that make you happy?
  • Do you make time to celebrate special moments, holidays and birthdays?
  • Are you spending time with friends and family?
  • Are you working too much without making time for relaxation?

If you’re still not sure if Strawberry Quartz is a supportive gemstone for you, sit through the meditation and see how you react to it. It any of the scenarios I suggest really speak to you, or even trigger you, it’s a sign that you should purchase some Strawberry Quartz and work with it some more. Then sit in this Strawberry Quartz meditation 2-3 times a week for a few weeks until you can quickly and easily call up the energy of the Strawberry Quartz Crystal.

How Can I Learn Practical Crystal Wisdom?

⁠I believe there are 3 key components to effective Crystal Healing: Knowledge, Tools & Practice.  Between my Crystal Wisdom Store and YouTube channel – I hope to provide you with all 3 Components.

All of this – Every Week!  If you’re interested in joining me for these weekly Gemstone explorations – please Subscribe to the YouTube channel.  Thank you!⁠

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